The async version


Async SDK

model = models[1]
cli = AsyncAnthropic()
m = {'role': 'user', 'content': "I'm Jeremy"}
r = await cli.messages.create(messages=[m], model=model, max_tokens=100)

Hi Jeremy! Nice to meet you. I’m Claude, an AI assistant created by Anthropic. How can I help you today?

  • id: msg_01UBPA1yCoPZdk4vDbCwdXGm
  • content: [{'text': "Hi Jeremy! Nice to meet you. I'm Claude, an AI assistant created by Anthropic. How can I help you today?", 'type': 'text'}]
  • model: claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022
  • role: assistant
  • stop_reason: end_turn
  • stop_sequence: None
  • type: message
  • usage: {'input_tokens': 10, 'output_tokens': 31}



 AsyncClient (model, cli=None, log=False)

Async Anthropic messages client.

Exported source
class AsyncClient(Client):
    def __init__(self, model, cli=None, log=False):
        "Async Anthropic messages client."
        if not cli: self.c = AsyncAnthropic(default_headers={'anthropic-beta': 'prompt-caching-2024-07-31'})
c = AsyncClient(model)
In: 10; Out: 31; Cache create: 0; Cache read: 0; Total: 41



 AsyncClient.__call__ (msgs:list, sp='', temp=0, maxtok=4096, prefill='',
                       stream:bool=False, stop=None,
                       tool_choice:Optional[dict]=None, cli=None,

Make an async call to Claude.

Type Default Details
msgs list List of messages in the dialog
sp str The system prompt
temp int 0 Temperature
maxtok int 4096 Maximum tokens
prefill str Optional prefill to pass to Claude as start of its response
stream bool False Stream response?
stop NoneType None Stop sequence
tools Optional None List of tools to make available to Claude
tool_choice Optional None Optionally force use of some tool
cli NoneType None
log bool False
Exported source
async def _stream(self:AsyncClient, msgs:list, prefill='', **kwargs):
    async with, messages=mk_msgs(msgs), **kwargs) as s:
        if prefill: yield prefill
        async for o in s.text_stream: yield o
        self._log(await s.get_final_message(), prefill, msgs, kwargs)
Exported source
async def __call__(self:AsyncClient,
             msgs:list, # List of messages in the dialog
             sp='', # The system prompt
             temp=0, # Temperature
             maxtok=4096, # Maximum tokens
             prefill='', # Optional prefill to pass to Claude as start of its response
             stream:bool=False, # Stream response?
             stop=None, # Stop sequence
             tools:Optional[list]=None, # List of tools to make available to Claude
             tool_choice:Optional[dict]=None, # Optionally force use of some tool
    "Make an async call to Claude."
    if tools: kwargs['tools'] = [get_schema(o) for o in listify(tools)]
    if tool_choice: kwargs['tool_choice'] = mk_tool_choice(tool_choice)
    msgs = self._precall(msgs, prefill, stop, kwargs)
    if stream: return self._stream(msgs, prefill=prefill, max_tokens=maxtok, system=sp, temperature=temp, **kwargs)
    res = await self.c.messages.create(
        model=self.model, messages=msgs, max_tokens=maxtok, system=sp, temperature=temp, **kwargs)
    return self._log(res, prefill, msgs, maxtok, sp, temp, stream=stream, stop=stop, **kwargs)
c = AsyncClient(model, log=True)
In: 0; Out: 0; Cache create: 0; Cache read: 0; Total: 0
c.model = models[1]
await c('Hi')

Hello! How can I help you today?

  • id: msg_01TC5wq1bS1ZcJMopq8bZ4o2
  • content: [{'text': 'Hello! How can I help you today?', 'type': 'text'}]
  • model: claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022
  • role: assistant
  • stop_reason: end_turn
  • stop_sequence: None
  • type: message
  • usage: {'input_tokens': 8, 'output_tokens': 12, 'cache_creation_input_tokens': 0, 'cache_read_input_tokens': 0}
In: 8; Out: 12; Cache create: 0; Cache read: 0; Total: 20
q = "Concisely, what is the meaning of life?"
pref = 'According to Douglas Adams,'
await c(q, prefill=pref)

According to Douglas Adams, it’s 42. More seriously, there’s no universal answer - it’s deeply personal. Common perspectives include: finding happiness, creating meaning through relationships and achievements, pursuing knowledge, helping others, or following spiritual/religious beliefs.

  • id: msg_012ZvrAoNyBherFi2q4fDRWq
  • content: [{'text': "According to Douglas Adams, it's 42. More seriously, there's no universal answer - it's deeply personal. Common perspectives include: finding happiness, creating meaning through relationships and achievements, pursuing knowledge, helping others, or following spiritual/religious beliefs.", 'type': 'text'}]
  • model: claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022
  • role: assistant
  • stop_reason: end_turn
  • stop_sequence: None
  • type: message
  • usage: {'input_tokens': 24, 'output_tokens': 50, 'cache_creation_input_tokens': 0, 'cache_read_input_tokens': 0}
async for o in (await c('Hi', stream=True)): print(o, end='')
Hello! How can I help you today?
In: 40; Out: 74; Cache create: 0; Cache read: 0; Total: 114
async for o in (await c(q, prefill=pref, stream=True)): print(o, end='')
According to Douglas Adams,  it's 42. More seriously, there's no universal answer - it's deeply personal. Common perspectives include: finding happiness, creating meaning through relationships and achievements, pursuing knowledge, helping others, or following spiritual/religious beliefs.
In: 64; Out: 124; Cache create: 0; Cache read: 0; Total: 188
def sums(
    a:int,  # First thing to sum
    b:int=1 # Second thing to sum
) -> int: # The sum of the inputs
    "Adds a + b."
    print(f"Finding the sum of {a} and {b}")
    return a + b
a,b = 604542,6458932
pr = f"What is {a}+{b}?"
sp = "You are a summing expert."
choice = mk_tool_choice('sums')
msgs = mk_msgs(pr)
r = await c(msgs, sp=sp, tools=sums, tool_choice=sums)
tr = mk_toolres(r, ns=globals())
msgs += tr
contents(await c(msgs, sp=sp, tools=sums))
Finding the sum of 604542 and 6458932
'The sum of 604542 and 6458932 is 7063474.'
# tools = [get_schema(sums)]
# msgs = mk_msgs(pr)
# r = await c(msgs, sp=sp, tools=tools, tool_choice=choice)
# tr = mk_toolres(r, ns=globals())
# msgs += tr
# contents(await c(msgs, sp=sp, tools=tools))

Structured Output



 AsyncClient.structured (msgs:list, tools:Optional[list]=None,
                         ns:Optional[]=None, sp='',
                         temp=0, maxtok=4096, prefill='',
                         stream:bool=False, stop=None,
                         stop_sequences:List[str]|NotGiven=NOT_GIVEN, syst
                         OT_GIVEN, temperature:float|NotGiven=NOT_GIVEN,
                         extra_body:Body|None=None, timeout:float|httpx.Ti

Return the value of all tool calls (generally used for structured outputs)

Type Default Details
msgs list List of messages in the dialog
tools Optional None List of tools to make available to Claude
obj Optional None Class to search for tools
ns Optional None Namespace to search for tools
sp str The system prompt
temp int 0 Temperature
maxtok int 4096 Maximum tokens
prefill str Optional prefill to pass to Claude as start of its response
stream bool False Stream response?
stop NoneType None Stop sequence
tool_choice Optional None Optionally force use of some tool
metadata MetadataParam | NotGiven NOT_GIVEN
stop_sequences List[str] | NotGiven NOT_GIVEN
system Union[str, Iterable[TextBlockParam]] | NotGiven NOT_GIVEN
temperature float | NotGiven NOT_GIVEN
top_k int | NotGiven NOT_GIVEN
top_p float | NotGiven NOT_GIVEN
extra_headers Headers | None None
extra_query Query | None None
extra_body Body | None None
timeout float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven NOT_GIVEN
await c.structured(pr, sums)
Finding the sum of 604542 and 6458932




 AsyncChat (model:Optional[str]=None,
            cli:Optional[claudette.core.Client]=None, sp='',
            tools:Optional[list]=None, temp=0, cont_pr:Optional[str]=None)

Anthropic async chat client.

Type Default Details
model Optional None Model to use (leave empty if passing cli)
cli Optional None Client to use (leave empty if passing model)
sp str
tools Optional None
temp int 0
cont_pr Optional None
Exported source
class AsyncChat(Chat):
    def __init__(self,
                 model:Optional[str]=None, # Model to use (leave empty if passing `cli`)
                 cli:Optional[Client]=None, # Client to use (leave empty if passing `model`)
        "Anthropic async chat client."
        super().__init__(model, cli, **kwargs)
        if not cli: self.c = AsyncClient(model)
sp = "Never mention what tools you use."
chat = AsyncChat(model, sp=sp)
chat.c.use, chat.h
(In: 0; Out: 0; Cache create: 0; Cache read: 0; Total: 0, [])



 AsyncChat.__call__ (pr=None, temp=0, maxtok=4096, stream=False,
                     prefill='', **kw)

Call self as a function.

Type Default Details
pr NoneType None Prompt / message
temp int 0 Temperature
maxtok int 4096 Maximum tokens
stream bool False Stream response?
prefill str Optional prefill to pass to Claude as start of its response
Exported source
async def _stream(self:AsyncChat, res):
    async for o in res: yield o
    self.h += mk_toolres(self.c.result,, obj=self)
Exported source
async def _append_pr(self:AsyncChat, pr=None):
    prev_role = nested_idx(self.h, -1, 'role') if self.h else 'assistant' # First message should be 'user' if no history
    if pr and prev_role == 'user': await self()
    self._post_pr(pr, prev_role)
Exported source
async def __call__(self:AsyncChat,
        pr=None,  # Prompt / message
        temp=0, # Temperature
        maxtok=4096, # Maximum tokens
        stream=False, # Stream response?
        prefill='', # Optional prefill to pass to Claude as start of its response
    await self._append_pr(pr)
    res = await self.c(self.h, stream=stream, prefill=prefill, sp=self.sp, temp=temp, maxtok=maxtok, **kw)
    if stream: return self._stream(res)
    self.h += mk_toolres(self.c.result, ns=mk_ns(*listify(, obj=self)
    return res
await chat("I'm Jeremy")
await chat("What's my name?")

Your name is Jeremy.

  • id: msg_01BNxuSzZGanZupYuJxFDTgi
  • content: [{'text': 'Your name is Jeremy.', 'type': 'text'}]
  • model: claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022
  • role: assistant
  • stop_reason: end_turn
  • stop_sequence: None
  • type: message
  • usage: {'input_tokens': 41, 'output_tokens': 8, 'cache_creation_input_tokens': 0, 'cache_read_input_tokens': 0}
q = "Concisely, what is the meaning of life?"
pref = 'According to Douglas Adams,'
await chat(q, prefill=pref)

According to Douglas Adams, 42. But more seriously: to find purpose, create meaning, love, grow, and make a positive impact during our time here.

  • id: msg_012WB8YcoMyPk2Uuh69eUxnF
  • content: [{'text': 'According to Douglas Adams, 42. But more seriously: to find purpose, create meaning, love, grow, and make a positive impact during our time here.', 'type': 'text'}]
  • model: claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022
  • role: assistant
  • stop_reason: end_turn
  • stop_sequence: None
  • type: message
  • usage: {'input_tokens': 69, 'output_tokens': 31, 'cache_creation_input_tokens': 0, 'cache_read_input_tokens': 0}
chat = AsyncChat(model, sp=sp)
async for o in (await chat("I'm Jeremy", stream=True)): print(o, end='')
Hello Jeremy! Nice to meet you. How are you today?
pr = f"What is {a}+{b}?"
chat = AsyncChat(model, sp=sp, tools=[sums])
r = await chat(pr)


  • id: msg_013c9kT2obX52nLMf9PmWWHH
  • content: [{'text': '7,063,474', 'type': 'text'}]
  • model: claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022
  • role: assistant
  • stop_reason: end_turn
  • stop_sequence: None
  • type: message
  • usage: {'input_tokens': 24, 'output_tokens': 9, 'cache_creation_input_tokens': 0, 'cache_read_input_tokens': 0}
pr += "Say the answer in a sentence."
chat = AsyncChat(model, sp=sp, tools=[sums])
r = await chat(pr)

The sum of 604,542 and 6,458,932 is 7,063,474.

  • id: msg_01F6Jms2nhe8VEDN16ZUGomv
  • content: [{'text': 'The sum of 604,542 and 6,458,932 is 7,063,474.', 'type': 'text'}]
  • model: claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022
  • role: assistant
  • stop_reason: end_turn
  • stop_sequence: None
  • type: message
  • usage: {'input_tokens': 31, 'output_tokens': 27, 'cache_creation_input_tokens': 0, 'cache_read_input_tokens': 0}
fn = Path('samples/puppy.jpg')
img = fn.read_bytes()
q = "In brief, what color flowers are in this image?"
msg = mk_msg([img, q])
await c([msg])

In this adorable puppy photo, there are purple/lavender colored flowers (appears to be asters or similar daisy-like flowers) in the background.

  • id: msg_01MLGBSn2QYJoKnthg7W2Tkj
  • content: [{'text': 'In this adorable puppy photo, there are purple/lavender colored flowers (appears to be asters or similar daisy-like flowers) in the background.', 'type': 'text'}]
  • model: claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022
  • role: assistant
  • stop_reason: end_turn
  • stop_sequence: None
  • type: message
  • usage: {'input_tokens': 110, 'output_tokens': 37, 'cache_creation_input_tokens': 0, 'cache_read_input_tokens': 0}